Friday, December 14, 2007

TED Talks: Casting spells with DNA

In this TED Talk, Paul Rothemund uses the programing language of life (DNA) to create physcical structures, in this case smily faces, a map of the American Continetns, or a star or triangle. This use of programing language is compared to the binary system, and other forms of formating. This makes me think of html formatting, and how words and tags combine to form something completly new and hardly resembeling the programming language used.

TED Talks: Unveiling the genius of multi-touch interface design

This TED Talk is used to showcase a new form of interaction that can be used for computers. The multi touch screen has very intuitive controls, and a plethora of uses, from the creative to the useful management of data. I wonder what the potential gaming applications are. Either way, Jeff Han amazed with this muilti touch interface tool.

TED Talks: Kenichi Ebina

This TED Talk is less of a talk, and more of an entertaining dance. Ebina blends several styles of dancing as well as martial arts into an interesting and fun style to watch. Slightly robotic, it amuses and astounds to a point.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

HTML code

I have only used html code once before, and that was without knowing it. It was the
function, and I copied it from someones myspace post and reused it without knowing what it did.