Monday, September 10, 2007

My Internet Endeavors

Quite a bit of the time I spend on the Internet per week is while playing games. I would say I spend between 30-35 hours a week online, often playing Warcraft, or other multiplayer games online, or just searching the web for interesting things.

Web sites I visited this week:

If you visit any of these sites, check this one out, it deals with brand new technology utilizing what you are looking at right now! Internet Imaging Technology

My Myspace, to see if anyone sent me anything important (I just get surveys and chain mail : D )
WoW Azgalor Forums (yes I am a large nerd)
Photobucket One place that hosts picture files
Putfile A second place that hosts picture files
Blogger for homework
Youtube for entertainment
Blackboard for homework
Google To find things

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